Solidarity Among The Sad | Teen Ink

Solidarity Among The Sad

April 12, 2019
By Idakyyyy BRONZE, Long Beach, California
Idakyyyy BRONZE, Long Beach, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Something is only impossible because you believe it to be so

How can I continue to be if there is nothing but regret?

Why have I been chosen to take this path that no one else have?

A roof over my head, so what do I feel raining down on me?

So how come I feel so sad?

Do we all see small mistakes as a shaking heart ache?

Is every thought in our heads run through multiple situations?

Can every sensation be seen as nothing but a numb feeling in the head?

What am I sad about?

Why had it been so long till I was able to find those like me?

Why do we hear others voices if their mouths don’t move?

Who gave us this gift to sense the eyes of the judged?

Why are we so sad?

If we are together then how are we still alone?

Is the company of others something we deserve?

Will our words and emotions push what we have away?

Are we sad at ourselves or our company?

How am I so sad?

What is making me sad?

Why and I so sad?

Who is making me sad?

There is no reason to be, so who is the real one that is sad?

The author's comments:

Michael Pekson is a US citizen who is motivated to create his own world within writing and computer design in the future. Except from his past of deprived interactions with technology and people, his time was spent trying to draw cartoons along with reading and attempting to write books. In his earlier home, his isolation from friends and limited interactions gave him a lot of time to draw with detail, write more effectively, and understand his as well as others human emotions better.

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