Change on the Horizon | Teen Ink

Change on the Horizon

April 17, 2019
By allyhoward19 GOLD, Prospect, Kentucky
allyhoward19 GOLD, Prospect, Kentucky
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

While you torment them with your personal vendettas and xenophobia,

we will wield our swords of compassion against you.

While you spit your words of hatred at them,

we will transform them into sweet symphonies

 in order to dance in the tumultuous storms you have created.

While you break their hearts and make their wounds

run deeper than they can bear,

we will use our plaster formed of love

to heal their shattered spirits.

While you sneer at the color of their skin and of the flag they wave high,

we will stand in solidarity with the oppressed, the marginalized,

the silenced.

While your inflicted pain may break their bones and bruise their skin,

our determination is unbreakable.

Our words will not be muted.

Our anguish will not be unrecognized.

Our message will not go unheard,

as it has in the grave history of our divided nation.

Because while you instill fear in others,

you will not be feared today

or ever again.

This unfounded cycle of violence has come to an end.

So go on and march.

March for fear of our power.

March for fear of new beginnings and yielding ends.

Try to extinguish our flame of passion.

But tomorrow there will be another dawn,

another era,

another change on the horizon.

The author's comments:

This piece was written about those facing discrimination and those standing in solidarity with them.

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