Sunrise | Teen Ink


April 29, 2019
By Hyacinthios SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
Hyacinthios SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The wind takes us beyond where other lovers dare,

As your benevolent sun casts down onto the shadows forbidden to be crossed by man.

Your smile blurs the line between reality and fantasy.

Walking with you feels like a dream.

It feels life you’ve given me a piece of heaven.

And in return I can make you feel the slightest bit more human.

The wind takes us across the sky.

Staring at the sun and moon through day and night.

Each sight is different,

Yet each holds a piece of what you’ve created.

From where the sun touches,

To the river bend,

To deserts dry,

Colors blasting and radiating,

Where the earth touches the sky,

And carrying it through is your embrace and smile.

The wind takes me back to where I was always meant to be,

Being separated from you burns more than the sun’s desperate gleams,

And as my body returns to the Earth below,

I can still witness your warm, pleasant glow,

Though my stems will not reach your hands I know,

That when the sun touches the Earth for a second,

Where the wind blows,

I’ll follow,

And remember that I was

Your sweet

And lovely


The author's comments:

Based on the Greek myth of Hyacinth and Apollo, Sunrise is a poem discussing ties of love as well as nature. Nature and its beauty can bring lovers closer together even if they are apart. May it be Apollo and Hyacinth --or any lovers-- who have a distance between them, their love and that distance only makes their bond even stronger. 

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