Wings | Teen Ink


April 29, 2019
By Hyacinthios SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
Hyacinthios SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To fall,

And reach your hands to the sky,

To fall,

And reach your hands to thine sacred minstrel,

To fall,

Take a leap of faith and never faulter,

To fall,

Forget about the blood in the water,

To fall,

I’ll catch you and we’ll be together,

To fall,

As you spread your wings to fly,

Wings catch ablaze at the sun’s nigh,

Say goodbye to your father.

Goodbye to your lover.

To fall

To fall



The author's comments:

Wings is a poem that is based off of the Greek myth of Icarus. As he and his father were escaping the labyrinth, his father had made wings out of feathers and wax. Icarus however did not listen to his father and then flew too close to the sun-- causing the wax in his wings to melt and thus him falling into the water where he drowned. Like the myth, Wings shows the reader about the dangers of flying too close to the sun, but it also draws the connection between the sun representing Apollo and Icarus's desire and infatuation with the sun.

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