Dear You | Teen Ink

Dear You

May 3, 2019
By yunjiella BRONZE, Seoul, Other
yunjiella BRONZE, Seoul, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear You: 

Have you ever thought even once

About how I might have felt

When you said the things you did.





Dear You:

The sorrow you gave me

It was like a palette in my heart  

It mixed the dark red irritation

and the light blue desolation


it wasn't purple blend of the two,

just tears.


Dear You: 

I have only seen the stern side of you 

How ignorant I had been

to think that you didn't know

how it feels to feel.


In the narrow corner

I saw.

I saw the painful cry 

I saw the same tears I shed


Not me, but you.

I saw it all and

You looked sad.

Dear You:

Let me know

What you have to say.

I want to know.

The author's comments:

Dear you

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