Moon | Teen Ink


May 6, 2019
By Hyacinthios SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
Hyacinthios SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

the Moon above plasters its heavenly light down onto the earth below,

my Heart craves its serenity more than i could fully explain,

He was quieter,

more distant,

yet every step i took,

i felt like i was getting farther

and farther

away from the cold white light

in the dim yet forbidden dark

He was the careful snowfall.


but always appearing like Others.


i on the other hand was the candle wick aflame,

as wax slowly dripped down to the base,

my flare and passion would dwindle down the fuel,

until i burned myself out,

and the carefully lit flame would be transferred to

another candle

the love inside me burned and craved a source

to Explore

to Behold

although it would never be like that.


the Earth spins out of control through orbit

my candlelight would never be enough to reach

the Moon

the cold and icy formation

would upon the Earth

and the stronger industrial lights around the world

All and All

i don’t think the Moon would ever

yearn for me

as i do for its beauty

i don’t even think He

knows who i am

little did i know that sometimes

what isn’t the brightest Glow

is the vast industry of beams

or rampant fires

the brightest Glow is

the flare of Passion

that Love emits

that is what the Moon sees.

The author's comments:

Moon is a poem about the seemingly classic tale of longing and pining towards a person as well as finding self-worth. Beauty is something that is found only by self love-- before one can enter a relationship, self love is just as essensial as loving a partner. Having passion for something more than anything else makes someone unique and stand out in a crowd of others. As the moon has many phases, so does how one goes about love. 

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