14 Things To Learn By 14 | Teen Ink

14 Things To Learn By 14

May 8, 2019
By bailey_marsh BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
bailey_marsh BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
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There are things that you need to know to succeed in life. We need to be able to learn life lessons by a certain age in our life. These are 14 important things you need to know.

1)When you put food in the microwave wait for it to cool before eating it

When I was younger I would put food in the microwave for too long and then I would end up burning my mouth on the food, but then sense I was so hungry I kept eating it.

2)Don’t throw your phone when your mad

Most people today have expensive devices and games on those devices. Sometimes people end up throwing that device when they lose or get mad at themselves. I threw my phone against workout equipment and it shattered, but I got lucky sense it was only the screen protector. Even when something does make you mad, throwing your phone and breaking it will make it worse.

3)Don’t judge people, you don’t know their situation

There are people in the world that are less fortunate than you are and they may not have the time, energy, or the same things you do to look nice. People are just trying their best to live life and get through the day and they don’t need someone judging them just based off of what they look like.

4)Think things through before you do them

At some point in our lives, we all make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes could have been prevented if we would have payed attention and thought about what might happen if we take those actions.

5)Be nice to everyone no matter who they are

You never know what people are going through. Their dog may have died, or they woke up on the wrong side of the bed. If something bad happened to you, you would want people to be nice to you.

6)Watch corners because you could stub your pinky toe

One of the most dangerous things known to man are corners and bare feet. If you have ever stubbed your pinky toe on a corner, you know what I’m talking about. There is a feeling that just kills you when you stub your toe, it’s like nothing else.

7)Go to bed instead of staying on your phone on a school night

Lots of times, I have stayed up on my phone instead of going to bed and getting a good night’s rest for school. Trust me it’s not worth it. You will be tired, and not only that, but your performance at school will decrease.

8)Don’t eat chipotle everyday or you will get fat

No matter how good fast food is, you can’t eat it everyday. The calories add up and no matter how good your metabolism is, what you eat will eventually catch up to you. It’s ok to eat it every one in a while, but too much and you might regret it.

9)Have a positive outlook on things

When you have a good mindset when going into things, it can change the whole day. Even if something in that day already went bad you still have to stay positive to try to make the day better and enjoy life.

10)Let yourself loosen up and have fun sometimes

There are moments in life where we do need to be serious, but you also have to make sure that you enjoy life, and make every minute you have count. Some people don’t get that extra moment that you get to live and enjoy.

11)Find a way to laugh everyday

No matter how bad your day was, always find a way to laugh whether it’s watching cat videos or hanging out with your friends. You should always find a reason to laugh and enjoy the day.

12)Make someone smile

You don’t always know what someone is going through in their day. Theu could be thinking about all the bad things in their life. They could feel lonely and like no one is there for them, but if you can make them laugh or just do a nice gesture for someone to show that you care, it could end up being the only good thing in their day.

13)Be grateful for what you have

Not everyone is as lucky as you are. Even if you don;t recognize what you have and how fortunate you are everyday, you still have to appreciate what you have, and realize that some people may not have that PS4 or those clothes.

14)Not everyone will like you but that’s okay

Some people you may not get along with, and that’s okay. There are people that may not like you because you just aren’t their type of person. There are also people that you may not always like, but that okay as long as you still give them respect.

The author's comments:

I think these are the most imporatnt things that someone needs to learn before they turn 14 so that they could be successful during their teen years.

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