Consequences | Teen Ink


May 8, 2019
By jessicadillhoff BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
jessicadillhoff BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Giving up.

So simple,

Yet so complex.

The agony,


We deal with it because

we have to.

But do we

Really have to?

Just stop

doing it.



Quitting seems

So appealing.

But if

we did.

What would

the consequences be?

Maybe if

we quit

the misery,

We’d give up


Much more than

Just the pain.

The author's comments:

I am in the eighth grade and I enjoy to read and write, I find that writing is the best way to get out how you feel without having to actually say anything to anyone. I wrote this poem in class and the first stanza just kind of came out then the rest of it just sort of fell into place. So as I was in the works of writing the first stanza I was thinking about what to write and I somehow came upon the thought of giving up and me as the overthinker that I am started to overthink all that goes into giving up. This kind of reminded me of the butterfly effect, how one small change can change the whole future. So if an event did not occur it would alter the future as well. For example, say that Thomas Edison didn’t invent the light bulb, of course someone would’ve eventually created a light bulb but it would’ve been later and we may not have everything else that we have today.

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