To All Who | Teen Ink

To All Who

May 17, 2019
By NoahJ456 SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
NoahJ456 SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To all who fear coming to school,

The prison sentence that lasts 7 hours,

The place that should sprout learning and happiness, but instead devours,

To all who hear they’re not good enough,

You aren’t loved but rather shoved out into the darkness,

By your fellow peers, so you sit there in fear,

Feeling alone and wanting to go home,

To all who feel trapped,

Locked inside a cage being torchered and slapped,

Attacked, by the words and actions by others,

Not knowing where to go,

No place to call home,

Except you have one,

To all who don’t have the energy to get out of bed,

Those who get in their head,

Instead, think on the bright side!

Why do people say that?

They don’t know what it feels like to be conflicted 24/7 between living and dying,

Just TRYING to find someone or something to convince them otherwise,

They don’t know the pain of not knowing your own brain,

The strain of just going through one, more, day,

To all who feel ANYTHING,

You are worth more than this sad world we live in,


Your life is more priceless than the finest piece of anything!

You aren’t alone in this journey of “which this, what that,”

Stop with the what if’s and start with the why not’s,

There are people who love you no matter if you see it or not,

There are people who care for you whether you can tell or not,

But, “I KNOW you’re wrong,” right?

False, because if no one else does, I DO.

The author's comments:

I wanted to write this to those who don't think they are good enough; you are better than good enough!

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