The Gamblers at a Fundraiser | Teen Ink

The Gamblers at a Fundraiser

May 21, 2019
By Sofia_Perez BRONZE, Melissa, Texas
Sofia_Perez BRONZE, Melissa, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Prancing down the runway, mane flowing behind it

Shadowed figures toss their two cube shaped devices

One of them wears red and white to reflect their two small cubes

A banner waves overhead, as it is a fundraiser to bring peace on...the life sustaining rock

A crest sits of the saddle of the large animal, a curving figure

One of them curses

The losing gambler gets mad and sticks out the...moveable muscle in his mouth.

The winning gambler in white and red walks to a room, were ‘

Rectanglish items sit on a wooden structure.

In the opposite corner his “partner in crime” gives him a cheesy...

Food substance as reward.

The gambler thanks him

The partner plays with a multi-colored cube

Twisting it with his small, devilish, raccoon-like hands.

The man in white and red says

We must go before we get caught, here is your share

The partner laughed

No! We must first take the herbivorous equinine prize animal before!

The man dribbled his basketball

And why? He queried

The partner smiled

It's fluffy and cute.

The man in white and red sighed, and walked away to do his task.

He needs better friends.

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