Rooted from Ebony Beginnings | Teen Ink

Rooted from Ebony Beginnings

July 14, 2019
By ednakinyanjui BRONZE, Northborough, Massachusetts
ednakinyanjui BRONZE, Northborough, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Watermelons are the chameleons of the soil

They deceive you’re eyes with its scarlet flesh. But are diluted in means of purification 

The dilution has no color, no taste, and no identity

Still, the flesh is streaked with ebony seeds of hatred

The melon is unsuccessful in hiding its tiny  seeds of darkness

Regardless of its efforts it is told it has no nutritional value towards society

No matter how much you eat you will never be satisfied or fulfilled.

There is no amount of water in all the land and sea that could dilute its blackness

In this bland bland world

Do not underestimate this melon!

Grown on the most infertile land but bears the most fruit

Seedling! Become who you want to become and grow sweet and kind hearted

Embrace you’re ebony beginnings in all of its likeness

Do not continue to water down your sweetness into the likeness of others

Let down your green armor and reveal the man beneath the mask

You’re mechanism of protection shall one day reape betrayal from the red white and blue soil in which it was rooted

The author's comments:

let me know in the comments what you think the watermelon is symbolic of and why :)

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