My Room | Teen Ink

My Room

July 25, 2019
By MichaelZhou BRONZE, Bellevue, Washington
MichaelZhou BRONZE, Bellevue, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My room

A vast desert land

Dirty clothes scattered around 

Looming in the dark

Stands my desk

Piles of assignments


Waking up to a dark room

Sleep still clinging to my eyelids

Tiny weights pulling them down

Going to school

More assignments 

Long walk home


The presence of my desk 

Papers everywhere

Outside I ignore

The desk looming still 

By the window 

I glance

Then look back 

Walking away

Along the garden path 

Only to rest on the lawn chair

Right under the window

Where my desk stands

I go back

The door is closed

I slowly twist the knob 

I flick on the light

And stare

At the black desk

I make my way towards the desk 

And sit down on my chair

Leaning over

I grab my pencil and start

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