Friends and Family | Teen Ink

Friends and Family

September 19, 2019
By Ahsgolfer SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Ahsgolfer SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I used to be from hitting baseballs in the backyard,

from dribbling a basketball on the blacktop,

from crossing the finish line out of breath.

I used to be from the screech of whistles,

echoing throughout the gym,

from grass-stained school uniforms,

from sleeping through alarm clocks,

and arriving at my elementary school late.

I used to be from going to my friend's house after school,

from not completing homework, 

from playing with my friends before studying. 

I am now from hard work and dedication, 

from completing homework late at night,

from focus and concentration.

I am now from being a referee on Saturday, 

from the ring of Church bells on Sunday morning,

from following Fantasy football on Sunday.

I am now from fishing in my free time, 

from the ping of a golf club as it strikes a ball,

from the squeak of basketball shoes on gym floors.

I am going to be from musty dorm rooms,

From sitting in lecture halls full of unfamiliar faces,

processing the professor’s lesson.

from studying in the library late at night,

preparing for exams the next day. 

I am going to be from early alarm clocks, 

from sipping coffee to stay awake, 

from working at the office late at night.

I am going to be from watching College football on Saturdays,

from the sizzle of brats and burgers on the grill,

as we tailgate before the big game,

from spending my free time with friends and family.

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