The Light in Darkness | Teen Ink

The Light in Darkness

September 19, 2019
By Chup BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Chup BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm from water 

as my decisions pull me down the dark depths.

I'm from clouds, 

from not being capable in seeing the clear and true picture.

I'm from blood 

from living in the moment, not thinking about the future.

I'm from doubt,

not being my true self through actions or words.

I'm from failure

as my thoughts could not see the joyfulness in the moment.

I'm from tears,

from knowing my happiest friends are the ones who hurt the most.

I'm from the shadows

as I kept to myself, never putting myself out there to meet new people

I'm from broken mirrors,

from knowing I will never be enough and seeing the worst in myself.

I'm from dirt,

from being at the lowest and worst part of my life.

I'm from hard work 

from countless hours of aching activities.

I'm from the books,

from the will to create a more impactful future.

I'm from a strong heart 

from wise mentors and knowledgeable leaders.

I'm from my older sisters,

as they lead me down the path of a successful school year.

I'm from powerful coaches

from being an experienced player and person.

I'm from true love,

from ones whose hearts have been pierced before. 

I'm from hope 

knowing there is still good in the corrupted world.

I'm from close friends,

from being able to have someone to turn to through my struggles.

I'm from thankfulness

from knowing my dark past has shaped me into the man I am today.

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