Where I Come From | Teen Ink

Where I Come From

September 19, 2019
By 1weske BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1weske BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I come from crowded houses and familiar faces.

Pothole and tar-ridden streets, 

coffee shops and bike trails.

From block parties and neighborhood friends,

to walking the dog and common knowledge of everyone surrounding me.

I come from marketers and business owners,

nurses and veterans,

farmers and cancer survivors.

From successes and the challenged

to the supportive and helpful.

I come from family friends and close relationships.

Wine nights and bonfires,

local bands playing in the park.

From family game night and family dinners

to a Friday fish fry at the local pub.

I come from the constant keep-up game the American society plays.

Having more money and more possessions than those around me.

Moving into the newer, bigger house across the street.

From comparing the vegetation from my house to theirs

To being the best around

I come from having to be perfect and smart

athletic and pretty,

popular and generous.

From being at the top of the class

to being the star varsity athlete.

I come from comparison and competition,

stress and anxiety,

secrets and illnesses.

From being perfect on the outside

but damaged under the surface.

I come from a society that urges to be perfect,

and a family that conforms to that urge.

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