The Time I Miss | Teen Ink

The Time I Miss

September 19, 2019
By 0prox BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
0prox BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Underneath the roof of a country ranch,

between the white walls that separates the falling avalanche,

behind the metal door waiting for frostbite’s lash.

That is where I fell off of a tree branch. 

Harsh winters oppose humid sun,

frigid rivers bear playful fun.

Smashed my first home run.

Dad yelled, “Let's go, bud!”

Big voice—curly red hair,

small voice—death stare.

Talk—I don’t think I dare.

Those are who truly care.

Steady companion failed success,

school halls causing social distress.

Obsessed ex became a drowning mess.

Why do people have to be quite complex?

Learning and getting older, but I still feel dumb,

College apps, now completed. Suppressed my feelings until numb.

The hour glass ran out. Time gone, nothing more than low life scum. 

Only one thing …                can’t forget...            say “goodbye” to mum.





That is where I am from.

The author's comments:

Growing up is a challenge and my intention was to capture that in this poem. Enjoy experiences in the moment. Learn to love your life it's the only one you have.

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