Maybe I am not | Teen Ink

Maybe I am not

September 20, 2019
By GrindingGears555 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
GrindingGears555 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How come I never had any hobbies? 

How come I never did good in school?

How come I never got along with others?

Maybe it's because of the effort, 

or the time it took away from me.

Maybe it's because I'm glad I never did. 

I am not from cookouts, family gatherings, or bedtime stories.

I am not from birthday presents, sleepovers, or new shoes.

I am not from cul de sacs, vacations, or game nights.

I am from a dysfunctional, separated family with no norms or structure. 

Maybe it's because of the effort, 

or the time I put into it.

Maybe it's because I'm glad I finally did. 

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