Detroit is my city | Teen Ink

Detroit is my city

September 26, 2019
By Alexandriea BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
Alexandriea BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Detroit is my home

It’s where I learned to walk

It’s where I said my first words

It’s where I learned to read

Where I spend my whole life

Where I met friends

Where I lost friends

Where I got my first pet

Where I found what music I like

Where I found my first love

It’s where I found new things

Where I learned from my mistakes

Where I learned to love myself

Where I love the smell of the water

Where I lost people

Where I lost myself

Where I moved around

Did I miss my old town?

Where I learned poetry

It’s where I found what I love

It’s where I found people I love

It’s where I found you

It’s where I found myself

Detroit is my home

The author's comments:

This piece is about where I grew up and how I grew up. It was very funny to remember all the things I did before.

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