Father Figure | Teen Ink

Father Figure

October 9, 2019
By 0prox BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
0prox BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The morning sun reaches over the deep forest, bringing light to the word.

My hooves,still slippery, soaked in the grass’s cool dew.

My mother looks down at me and her brown fur draws my eye.

With my weak legs, I struggle to follow the herd. 

She nudges me, directing me, to go where she desires. 

I feel small, looking up to the beasts I call family. Like a child to a plane in the sky.

The ground rumbles as our hooves slash the ground. We move as a unit. 

Our stampede, mindless, remains in sync with the leader.

We run past twisted trees and snaking rivers. 

My father stands above them all. Broad shouldered and heavy built. Horns to topple a tree.

His heavy breathing brings steam from his nose. Sweet drips from his towering legs.

His powerful stare sees movements. He wouldn’t miss a blade of grass.

We stop in a clearing with trees and bushes with ripe berries. 

It’s webbed with trails from critters. I wander into the open.

The open breeze was new to me. I’ve hidden behind my mother away from the world until now.

The sun shines bright and harsh. It’s rays soak into my brown fur.

The cool mist dissipates at the heat bringing the world to life.

Birds began their songs and cicadas buzz creating nature’s hum.

My father stands proud, watching the forest looking out for the herd.

I stray further following a winged slug. It is not like anything I have ever seen.

Its wings, colorful and graceful with each flap. Flying nothing like a bird.


My heart leaps. A stick breaks somewhere nearby. The birds and cicadas silence.

Simultaneously, my herd looks to see what is the matter. Danger, a foe, an enemy?

Looking I see nothing but forest, there is nothing to see, and nothing to fret about.

I turn to see my mother's eyes looking over at me. Making sure I am safe.

Her fur stands up like goosebumps on a cold day. She rushes to me. Her body covers mine.

Her eyes dart to my father who hadn’t moved yet. Standing perfectly still. Watching the forest.


The breeze is sharp on my wet nose.

I stick to my mother from now on, not to run off.

She is my warmth. She is my safety. She is my home.

The author's comments:

 In childhood, outdoor experiences shows the beauty of nature. This peice reminds me of the Disney film Bambi and how from great trauma Bambi grew as a person and made unexpected friends. This inspired me to write about a deer who notices all the great things about nature.

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