Dying Star | Teen Ink

Dying Star

January 12, 2020
By Cadenhc BRONZE, Linthicum Hts, Maryland
Cadenhc BRONZE, Linthicum Hts, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A million candles burning, for the help that never came."<br /> -Leonard Cohen

I will sit here and wait,

And gaze at the night sky.

You used to sit here

And watch it with me,

Now in the stars

Sit your bright eyes.

I will watch them

As they disappear

And wait

Until they come back

Again at nighttime.


I stay up these nights,

Looking for you

In the sky.

I stay up these nights,

I don't even know why.

I stay up these nights,

Hoping your star doesn’t die.

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