What do you really mean? | Teen Ink

What do you really mean?

December 12, 2020
By PromiseMurray BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
PromiseMurray BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What do you really mean? 
When you say all lives matter what do you really mean? 
That only your white life matters  
You say that as if it doesn’t matter already, as if the world doesn’t revolve around your whiteness  
Trust me, it does. 
You sit in your privilege and don’t tell me you don’t  
You may have had hard ships because everyone does but it has never been because of your color  
Not because you were judged upon something you can never change even if you wanted to 
Tell me, have you ever been followed around a grocery store? 
Do people clench their purses and bags when around you?  
Do you get called rachet and ghetto every time you show any emotion?  
Do people assume your dad went to get milk? 
That’s what it feels like to be me. 
A black girl in America, land of the free. Some bullshit is what that is. 
Treated as animals as if were the barbaric ones.  
Constantly in fear. Never truly free, yeah that’s me. 

The author's comments:

This peice means a lot to me because everthing I said has happend to me. Being black in America is hard especially being a women we are treated as less than human and I think people should realize the privliges that they have.

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