Color Me Blue | Teen Ink

Color Me Blue

February 3, 2021
By allyhoward19 GOLD, Prospect, Kentucky
allyhoward19 GOLD, Prospect, Kentucky
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

before you left
blue was my favorite color
blue was the color
of the ocean & his eyes & your favorite cardigan
blue was the color
of the wilting hydrangeas in the window box
blue was the color
of the walls of my childhood bedroom
before you left
blue was the color
of melting popsicles & sticky fingers
on sweltering summer days
now that you’re gone
the color blue
is everything
& nothing
the color blue is
nurses’ scrubs & code the color blue is
veins under see-through skin
now that you’re gone
the blue that once was hydrangeas
is the color of forget-me-nots
three words i whispered like a prayer
held like a promise
blew away like a wish

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