Hollowness | Teen Ink


February 5, 2021
By agsapphic BRONZE, Boiling Spgs, South Carolina
agsapphic BRONZE, Boiling Spgs, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have loved the stars to fondly to be fearful of the night."

A walking cage 

Once home to a lively, rosey vessel

Now hollow 

Defeated by the excruciating sadness others call life 

Beaten down and torn apart 

The emotion that once possessed her

Has now hidden itself 

Along the cemented walls of her heart. 

Exhaustion shown by the slump

Of her aching shoulders 

Now defines her presence 

Polluting every corner 

She occupies 

Poisoning every word 

That fumbles out of her mouth

Leaving her to complete solitude.

Her head is heavy on the likewise lifeless pillow

With the duvet wrapped 

tightly around her 

Restricting every movement that might 

Interrupt the placidity of that very moment 

Exiling every drop of misery 

That once consumed her. 

The author's comments:

This piece captures my perception of depression through the eyes of someone that does not experience it. 

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