Her Melted Mind | Teen Ink

Her Melted Mind

March 15, 2021
By 2021gkforest BRONZE, Ayer, Massachusetts
2021gkforest BRONZE, Ayer, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Orange and yellows danced in the trees

Swirled with your thoughts,

Jumbled on the ground.

You said the wrong time, 

“Sunset” when it was sunrise.

This was the waiting-game for the frosty nights to come

I can still hear your cheers from the field

The love you gave me after.

Now, it’s just painful memories with the warmth of the past.

When the air turned cold, 

Your brain froze

What was yesterday?
Is today, today?

As the days shortened, snow piled your mind

“I love you, I love you, I love you.”

You said with a powdery smile.

One half of your face tilted up 

The other poisoned still from blustery nights.

I smile with my heart as the cold envelopes me.

“I miss you, in the past.”

Cool breezes blows tulips softly

Your thin hair swept across your face.

Ice turning to water as your mind thaws,

Melting, melting.

Birds are singing, your smile twinkling.

The knocking of woodpeckers 

And your cane on the deck.

I see shimmers of love in your eyes,

But what are they saying?

Words are slurred with the wind that carries them

Pouring rain shatters the new grass---

A fresh start?

Leaves are green and the air is hot

You climb as high as the trees can take you

And you touch the sky.

Time stopped in the sun---

Can we stay here awhile?

Your mind has worn,

The heat tiring

Thunderstorms cloud your skull

Until you see us and smile---

Your head clear as day

I wish that time wouldn’t change,

That it would be this warm forever.

But it grows icier by the minute,

I love you.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem in inspiration from my nana who has dementia. She and I were very close in the past, somewhat now but not the same. I wrote this poem to compare my nana's dementia and how bad it can be, to other days where she can be happy and content. I used the seasons that change in New England to help this portray this idea as the seasons can change and be abrupt in their changes.

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