Routes | Teen Ink


March 26, 2021
By Anonymous

Every route is like your brain,

It grows in its own way

Every path the root takes 

Shows you a different choice in life

Leading it to all the water

Reaching out for the light at the end of the tunnel 

Pushing towards its dreams 

Blooming every day 

Before it falls apart

Taking its opportunity to grow once again

The author's comments:

My teacher gave me a task to create a poem involving flowers like the poem, "The Rose That Grew from Concrete" by Tupac Shakur. When my teacher lets us share our thoughts and feeling using the art of writing, I get inspired by looking out of the classroom window. I can see all of the beautiful nature we are surrounded by, including all the plants. That's when I decided to write my poem, "Routes," comparing how we grow and how plants grow too.

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