To The Boy | Teen Ink

To The Boy

April 14, 2021
By ssuper-novaa BRONZE, Lake City, Minnesota
ssuper-novaa BRONZE, Lake City, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To the boy

With brown hair and brown eyes

With moles that create a triangle under his right eye

With the smile that could make angels weep

With the gravelly voice and contagious laughter

With the beautiful personality and spark

With the strength to have made it this far

With the ability to phase through the walls that I put up

The one who has my heart in his hands

To the boy I love

I'm so proud of you

The author's comments:

This is inspired by the guy I love. He's been going through a lot as of recently. I wrote this to show him that I care and obviously that I'm proud of him for making it this far.

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