Hope... | Teen Ink


April 14, 2021
By AnonymousWolf BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
AnonymousWolf BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was on a day like this.

All I had wished for was bliss.

But what I got instead,

Was just bloodshot eyes and a vision of red…

I stayed up all night,

Listening to my parent’s fight.

“It wasn’t right,”

I thought, my fists clenched tight.

My cuts burned and hurt,

As shadows in my mind started to lurk…

I was in a lot of pain.

I just listened to the rain.

It reminded me of the calming beaches,

(Although I never enjoyed the leaches).

But suddenly I snapped back to reality.

A different person I seemed to be.

Dried scars

Covered my wrists and arms.

I took a shower,

And scrubbed with great power.

It bled and burned,

And with the pain my stomach churned.

But I was not done yet,

Although the pain I started to regret.

A dark brown leather rope, that I was once given.

I pulled it out and tied it up, cuz I decided that I was done livin’.

I pulled it tight around my neck.

I hated so much that my life was a wreck.


“My last hope is that no one does the same as me,”

I think, and finally, let go of my anxiety.

Now finally, I can be free.

As life slowly drains away, I close my eyes and think of the sea.

The author's comments:

Just know you are not alone. Please, I beg of you, do not end it. There is someone out there who does care about you, even if you choose not to see it, they are there. And they will always support you and love you for who you are.

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