Seasons | Teen Ink


April 30, 2021
By izzycohen BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
izzycohen BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the fall

she wilts away,

her rotting leaves 

crumpled beneath unknowing feet.

The cool winds of the future paralyze her

and send a foreboding chill down her spine.

In the winter

she shrivels up,

hiding within the perpetual darkness.

Time seems to go slower, 

but people seem to move on without her.

In the spring

she blossoms,

and attempts to regrow

all that she lost.

She is beautiful once again,

but perhaps she always had it within her.

In the summer,

she shines as bright as the Sun,

her warmth surrounding others like a blanket.

But as the Sun begins to set, 

she wonders,

can she escape the fall ahead?

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