Cafeteria Catashrophe | Teen Ink

Cafeteria Catashrophe MAG

By Anonymous

     The stench of the gross garbage
in the school cafeteria
makes you gag as you walk by.
You can’t make it past
Without getting a whiff
Of the foul food it’s full of.
Monday’s mushy macaroni,
Tuesday’s terrible-tasting turkey,
slimy, sloppy, sticky syrup
from Wednesday’s withered waffles.
Thursday’s tasteless tacos and
Friday’s flaky fish.
Leftover, lumpy lunches,
brown bananas,
crunchy, clumpy, crumbly cookies,
and squishy strawberries,
floating in the swampy soup,
the sound of buzzing bugs,
dripping drinks,
trays trashing and
food falling.
Never go near the janitor’s job.

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i love this so much!