Guilty Pleasures | Teen Ink

Guilty Pleasures

May 21, 2021
By FaySaysHi GOLD, Tomball, Texas
FaySaysHi GOLD, Tomball, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments


How do you feel?

Well I feel

Hollow and whole

Broken and relieved

Annoyed and laughing.

Tears streaming

and they’re 

welled up inside

Angry at you 

or myself?

I cannot differentiate.

I don’t know how I feel.

How should I

when you 


my mind?

And make me fall for your 

bashful smile.

And make me trip over 

my guilt.

My guilt is false

like the lies 

you tell yourself.

But you tell me the 

truths about yourself too.

They’re sad truths.

I want to protect


from this world.

But, sometimes

I want to 

take you out of it too.

You needed someone to

lean on.

So, your head was on my shoulder.

But now you seem to be crushing me.

Pulling me further down.

I like it though. 

Because of your 

not so subtle closeness.

And the saccharine comments 

you give for show.

Well since we’re telling the truth now.

Those words

of how do you feel?

never tumbled out of your mouth,

meaningfully at least.

I needed your shoulder too.

But you never bothered to 

play along.

The author's comments:

This is sort of a rant, but I felt the words felt very connected. This situation has came and passed for me, but this is for the younger me hoping for a chance to express myself. Enjoy.

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