White Dove in Gray Flock | Teen Ink

White Dove in Gray Flock

May 25, 2021
By 19691992078 BRONZE, Midway, Kentucky
19691992078 BRONZE, Midway, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the big blue sky. 

Was a white dove of uniqueness surrounded by a gray flock of perfection. 

The white dove struggles to fly alongside with the flock that is full of equalness. 

The white dove is so full of hope and light. 

The light that shines across the sky with warmth, kindness, and opened mine. 

Yet it still struggles to be part of the flock. 

The flock saw the dove as odd and out of color. 

It’s like dark clouds covering the sun from shining its warmth and light of good and leaves nothing but darkness on the land, but the light will come through in time. 

When the dark clouds move away to let the light shine on the green lands again. 

To fit in like a puzzle piece that forms a beautiful picture.  

However, being different is not a bad thing.

Uniqueness can affect all. 

You can blend in but stand out at the same time O how the birds look different in color, feathers, and the way they sound but in a way, they’re still the same. 

The white dove blends in but stands out in the gray flock.

The author's comments:

When I was thinking about writing my shape poem, I remember when my mom and I were driving home, I saw a flock of pigeons on the power lines and there was a white dove in that flock.  I would see the white dove in that flock every time we drove home and stopped at the red light.  So I decided to write my shape poem about that.  I wanted to write this poem because I want to show people that you were born to stand out, not to be the same.  You don’t have to change who you are for people who think you’re supposed to be.  You were born different for a reason.  I mean, we can try to fit in but we can also stand out.  I think that’s how it should be.

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