When I See You | Teen Ink

When I See You

August 4, 2021
By Anonymous

We were watching
ducks at the pond.
You chatter away,
a mile a minute -
stretched out lazily
on your tummy.
I lay next to you,
the grass tickling my back,
unable to follow
the animated gestures of your fingers.
Gaze drawn instead
to the same lovely face
I had fallen in love with
three decades ago.
The same soft brown curls
bouncing merrily
on your shoulders
as you laugh at something.
Your rosebud lips
rapidly opening and closing
as you describe a duckling's attempt to swim;
Then collapse in peals
of infectious laughter
beside me.
And I find myself smiling
along with you.
There's a rosy blush on your cheeks
from running in the morning breeze;
And then you pause
and turn to look at me,
as if waiting for my answer.
And my breath
catches in my throat
as I see
my own ocean blue eyes
staring back at me,
shining with love and innocence.
Then your chubby fingers
pull at my sleeves -
urging me up;
And I realize with a start
that you reach my waist now.
It seems only yesterday
you first lisped "Dada",
a little bashfully,
and I knew that
I was going to be alright.
That same lilting voice
I'd shift mountains for,
now breaks my thoughts.
"Home daddy!"
you exclaim,
now tugging, a tad impatiently,
at my hand.
I tuck in a stray curl
behind your ear
and swing you onto my shoulders,
an enraptured squeal
filling the air.
And as I do so,
I press a kiss
onto your sunlit curls,
as unruly
as your mother's used to be,
and whisper into them:
"I'm already there.
I see you, my angel,
and I'm there.
I'm home."

The author's comments:

This poem depicts a young child, whose mother had passed away even before she learnt how to speak, sitting by a duck pond with her father as he watches her, mesmerised and filled with memories, nostalgia and overwhelming love and adoration for his daughter.

The quote "Sometimes home isn't 4 walls, it's 2 eyes and a heartbeat. Sometimes, home isn't a place, it's a person.", first inspired me to write this poem. It has always been one of my absolute favourite quotes, and also one I deeply connect to. I wanted to portray the same depth of love and belonging through the eyes of this particular father, who's little girl is his entire world. It's a poem about finding love after loss, joy after grief, the beauty of the human relationships, be it between a father and daughter or any other, the healing power of love, and the simple joys derived from the little things in life - like enjoying nature, laughing with loved ones or just quiet, peaceful moments for retrospection and introspection we all need from time to time.

Watching and feeding ducks with my sister at our local park make up some of the most wholesome and cherished moments of my childhood. Watching them squabble over the crumbs, the breeze lapping our faces, smiling at each other - it's an activity that has always left me feeling calm, serene, at peace - hence the choice of setting.

Hope you enjoy reading!! xxx

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