I am ME | Teen Ink

I am ME

September 1, 2021
By YcLi GOLD, Nanaimo, Columbia
YcLi GOLD, Nanaimo, Columbia
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. ”

― Archimedes

I used to listen 

and try to understand the words.

I used to watch

and try to mimic the actions.

I used to read

and try to learn the stories.

I dreamt that I was like the others.

I wished that I was like the others.

What I didn't realize

was that they wanted the same thing.

And now that I know,

I still listen

I still watch

I still read

I still dream.

But while I do that

I also speak

I also act

I also write

I also create.

Because this world was made

so that we could all be different.

And what a wonderful world that is.

The author's comments:

I think a common issue in our modern world is that we always compare ourselves to others and fail to appreciate our own strengths. Everyone is special in a different way, and we shine the brightest when we are not afraid to be ourselves. That is the message that I hope readers can take from this piece.

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