Memory | Teen Ink

Memory MAG

By Anonymous

     Wrinkled and yellowed
Time abused by time
Floating to the floor
Sticking to my fingers now
As it once did my mind
A whiff of Tragedy permeates the air.
A five-dollar scent doused on every girl in sight
When spritzed lightly by your delicate, LaughingHorse72Small.jpgblue-tipped fingers.
Your voice
Whispering down an empty hallway
Stretching farther than the Ole Mississip’
Impossible to conquer
Your echoing laughter
Warms my heart like steaming Swiss Miss
November winds blow
Through my soul
Chills dance down my spine
Leaves fall in step with my tears
As the solitude settles deep in my core
A harsh winter awaits
Double Bubble
In a reflective film
Rolls into my palm.
Sweet yet fading
This taste, this moment in time
Swallowing it down
I repress the urge to choke.
In my stomach it lurks,
Plotting its next visit.

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This article has 1 comment.

i love this so much!