the gentle arts | Teen Ink

the gentle arts MAG

By Anonymous

     a thousand steel crickets hum
under trees painted in chainlink
on grass-stained asphalt
in an apogee of copper wiring
and diamond-cut cliffs
above a city of straight lines
mocking the softness of clouds
hardness and harsh perfection
and forests of streetlights
sloping concrete plateaus
rivers black as the sky
memories of mountains wrapped in glass
and there is no gentle art
in this corrupted sculpture
dressed in glaring aerosol

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This article has 3 comments.

i love this so much!

on Nov. 30 2013 at 7:27 pm
bahannahpeel PLATINUM, Bloomington, Illinois
27 articles 0 photos 73 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Schools corrupt the mind." The Loco Focos

Beautiful. Stunning. It makes a statement. Keep writing. 

on Mar. 5 2012 at 6:49 pm
HimeGyaruDoll BRONZE, Somewhere, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Man lives in the future, dwells in the past, and forgets the present. - Devyn W.

I cannot descrie how much I adored this poem. It was a mix between odd and brilliant, kind of like how a bland brick was is suddenly splattered with sparkly paint.... Great poem!