Another girl | Teen Ink

Another girl

December 3, 2021
By Annakozel BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Annakozel BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sparkling waves of changes

Bring ashore all things what the sea tried to hide,

They aren't the same as before,

the sea changed them,

It gave them a different look, 

a different meaning. 

But still it’s possible to find the creation of the sea.

Listen to the seashells.

They whisper to you about another girl.


Not the one who came 

to watch the sunset

during warm summer evenings,

Not the one who listened in silence to the seagulls,

Not the one who is afraid of 

deep blue sea power. 


One day, her heart took control over her mind.

Sparkling waves of future called he,

They enticed her.

She tried to learn how to swim. 


The sea current took her to the open sea.

The salt water made her skin itchy,

Her eyes - blind. 

Cold water made her heart beat slower,

Every breath brought her clothes to death.


However, her desire of freedom,

Her mind of fidelity struggle her to stop moving,

To finish fighting.

Her pulse is speeding up, 

Her heartbeat causes huge waves of tsunami,

Which destroyed everything in its path,




empty promises,



She turned into another girl, 

She knows how to swim.

Swimming between sparklings waves of changes

The sea changed her shape,beauty and age,

Thoughts, character and habits. 

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