Taking a Chance | Teen Ink

Taking a Chance

February 24, 2022
By 25tc01 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
25tc01 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Waking up to yet another day of nothing

Hidden in a set of others just like me

My life is nothing but existing

Making it through one day after another

No real purpose in my life

Just an object in a blank world of existence

The only change that happens

One of us being taken every day

And yet maybe today one of us might not be taken

Scared of the thought of being alone

I myself hiding in the back trying not to be noticed

By that hand, The hand that comes every morning 

Taking my companions, the only sense of joy I get

Living in the dark nylon bag

Day after day seeing my peers taken away 

My life getting emptier 

Loneliness taking over 

Wondering if there is some better use for my life

Hoping there is some better use for my life

And maybe, outside of my bag, there is something out there that is better,

Realizing there could be nothing worse than my current situation

Losing friend after friend and not changing at all

Thinking I mine as well try

Shifting towards the front right next to the opening

Taking a risk for the first time in my life to try to change my life

The morning comes, too late to change my mind

Thinking nothing could be worse than now

The hand comes in and takes a strong grip on me

My chance finally coming to make a better life

So bright in the new environment

A paper in front of me

The hand takes me down towards it 

Moving my end around in a particular pattern

An amazing feeling like scratching an old itch

Taking a test the best I ever felt

Then the bell rings and the class is over

The hand dropping me on the ground

Laying there stunned by what happened

Hoping it might come and grab me

Then a sudden jerk under a counter with a kick

Never to be seen again

Now I am alone without any company

The happiness that I had always had is gone

But with a brand new experience that was the best of my life

Was it worth it

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