Thoughts | Teen Ink


March 11, 2022
By Kbeanie BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
Kbeanie BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m gonna miss those times

I already miss those times

The sound of the screen door closing 

The smell of the honeysuckle and gardenias

Charcoal and hamburgers

Popsicles by the pool 

The southern charm 

And “Yes ma’am schools good,”

Jokes and laughs 

Campfires and marshmallows 

Watching Harry Potter and Narnia over and over

Playing in the toy closet for hours on end

Not having a care in the world

Not a single thought of tomorrow

The infinite innocence of childhood

Living purely for excitement 


And occasionally causing a little trouble 


Now I’m older 

Now it’s only thoughts

Thoughts of what’s to come

Thoughts of tomorrow

The author's comments:

What is feels like to grow up and look back on childhood. 

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