A Cave of Ghosts | Teen Ink

A Cave of Ghosts

March 14, 2022
By featherheart25 GOLD, Upperdeerfield, New Jersey
featherheart25 GOLD, Upperdeerfield, New Jersey
17 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"aut viam inveniam aut faciam" (I will either find a way, or I will make one)

I’m living in a world where turning left is just as bad as turning right, and there is no path forward

It’s as if I’m stuck in a cave, darkness surrounding my very soul 

I am not alone, there are people surrounding me, all of them with knives in the reflection of their glares

I fear that being stuck with these people will make me mistake their knives for bracelets

I fear that I might become their puppet

I fear that I just might choke from the confusion, confusion between lies and truth 

Confusion between life and puppet

Because lies aren’t just worse than the truth. No, that is putting it simply

Lies are stabs, wounds in the chest that are rubbed with salt

Wounds that twist deep into not only the heart but also the soul

This cave is of infinity. There is no end to the darkness, to the people

I am surrounded by people that aren't even beings but ghosts as I describe it because they have no soul, no life just jealousy towards those of the living

My hope is to find one person among this cave of ghosts because I know that if there is me that exists here, then there must be at least one other person out here that breathes oxygen, not dioxide

So know, those that have found people in their cave, that you are lucky. That you must cherish that person because people like me have worked lifetimes to find one person among the cave of ghosts

And I say this not as an outsider but as a true experiencer

The author's comments:

This piece is not to be taken literally. It is meant to teach the readers that friends are hard to find and if found should be cherished. It also secretly describes life behind different symbols and behind its context. 

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