Eternal | Teen Ink


May 13, 2022
By braaut23 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
braaut23 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you change nothing, nothing will change.

I fell in love with a boy
And those glistening brown eyes.
That precious, crooked smile
Mirroring the goofiness of mine.
The way he touches me
Not with his hands, but with his heart,
Bringing love to one
Who once fell apart.
He embraces my imperfections,
Showering me in affection.
I whisper to him as he softly grins,
“Forever and always
You’ll be mine,”.

A comforting look appears on his face,
The feeling of home, I can't replace.
Tucking the curly brown hair behind my ear,
He begins to mumble back,

“Cause I am yours,
Till the day I die.
I’ll fight any battle
Or chase any lie.
I'll love you at your worst,
Praise you at your best,
Keep holding on to your wonderful mess.
I'll hold your hand,
Keeping you safe.
Thanking God every day,
That I am yours.”

My heart fluttering,
Eyes pouring,
And mind wandering.
I think to myself, ‘Eternal.’
Looking up at him,
Grazing his hair,
I affirm my love and say,
“Every day is a new day.
Every challenge is a step we take.
Every fight and heartbreak,
Will only make me love you more.”

The author's comments:

True story. 

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 18 2022 at 10:46 am
annieduncan05 BRONZE, Eubank, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I adore this more than most. It feels so at home, and true. It makes me feel all gushy inside reading it because I put myself in the author's pov. This is a great poem, and song.