She's Not the Same As Before | Teen Ink

She's Not the Same As Before

May 17, 2022
By ashlyn_foley BRONZE, Burlington, Vermont
ashlyn_foley BRONZE, Burlington, Vermont
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a young girl
She was a happy child
She danced and played 
Sometimes all day
Her imagination was a wonderland
She liked dolls, dress up
Listening to One Direction and Taylor Swift
You would look at her and think
She seems so incredibly happy
And she was.

But as years go by
Her smile shrinks more and more
Until she doesn’t even know how to smile anymore
She spends her days alone
Too scared of being a burden to make friends
She still listens to One Direction and Taylor Swift
But she doesn’t dance anymore
She spends hours in front of the mirror
Before deciding on the same hoodie and sweatpants as the day before
She sees every bite of food as a number
And she wishes she could go back to as it was
But she can’t.

It’s time to move on
And accept that this once happy girl
Is now just a sad version of that girl.

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