Dreamer | Teen Ink


May 18, 2022
By annieduncan05 BRONZE, Eubank, Kentucky
annieduncan05 BRONZE, Eubank, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I sit alone on the pavement,

Staring into the blissful sky.

The sun shining brighter and brighter,

I sit alone and I dream.

I dream about going home,

To a place that’s warm and safe.

A place where I can be free,

And safe at last. 

The world I stay in is cold and scary,

Filled with poverty and fear.

I dream about a world full of love and compassion, 

A world with no fear.

Dreaming of a world with no strife and hate,

Makes me strive to be better. 

Dream away my lost friend,

My thoughts whisper to me.

Your dreams are nothing to me, 

They are no match for the fate I have in store for you.

Dream, dream, dream away.

Give it all up,

You’re always going to be alone. 

My dreams fight back, 

One day..

One day I dream, 

I will overcome this.

I will make this place feel like home. 

The author's comments:

This is about my inner demons I face. My inner-self is hard on me. I have a habit of turning my pain into writing to help soothe this side of me. 

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