strange girl | Teen Ink

strange girl

August 18, 2022
By Anonymous

Strange girl

strange girl covered in scars

drowning in her tears

unable to get out of bed

feeling worthless

feeling alone

unable to speak

unable to scream

Strange girl with the sore throat

her throat sore from all the unspoken words fighting to come out

Strange girl with the baggy clothes

she hides her body

she hides her true self

she hides in her room

Strange girl in the dark

shes lost

there's no one to save her

no one to rescue this poor girl

Strange Strange Girl

Strange Girl is me

poor little helpless me

if you looked at me 

would you be able to tell that the Strange Girl is me

i smile with my teeth showing

so nobody senses that I'm strange

i laugh

so nobody will notice I'm drowning

Strange Girl surrounded by people

screaming for help

and they don't notice her

they don't notice me

poor Strange girl

poor little old me 

The author's comments:

 i am new to poetry but i wanted to submit this poem because i'm very proud of it. i never really share my work but i figured if i can do it anywhere then it's here. 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 19 2022 at 1:15 am
themoonbear PLATINUM, Johnstown, Ohio
32 articles 0 photos 6 comments
This captures a specific emotion I can't quite describe, and does it very well! Please continue with your poetry! :)