Dandelion Delight | Teen Ink

Dandelion Delight

August 23, 2022
By mousejoy2006 SILVER, Temple, Pennsylvania
mousejoy2006 SILVER, Temple, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A house is not a home, home is where the heart is

From yellow to white, a simple change

Your petals turn to seeds, and spread joy to so many children

Your magical seeds send wishes through the winds

You are a beautiful dandelion, my favorite flower

With your charismatic mane with its gleaming bright colors

Others would say you’re a weed, but not to me

You may subject the ground to a drought of water

Taking what little water that is available to yourself

But you don’t mean to, you just wish to survive

Isn’t it simple, it’s a fight to thrive

I understand, who would want their own demise

And, sometimes, I have a similar feeling to you

To just want to live but be thrown to the curve

For the world to stomp on you as if you are useless

But look at you, young dandelion, just look at you grow

If they gave you a chance, the wishes you’d bring

A happy little flower flowing it’s seeds through the breeze

Your beautiful mane goes to the wonderful stars

From kids blowing it across to the fars

You travel thousands of miles, and I have to ask

What is it like to see the world like that?
To see thousands of cities and thousands of stars

To see the world for what it is, for where you are

It creates a new perspective, does it not?
To be so high up among the planes and birds

Does it ever scare you, to be so high?

You’re a beautiful dandelion, my favorite flower

With your charismatic mane with its gleaming bright colors

Show me the world, show me the beauty

It’s easy to miss from down below

When the smoke and the smog block your vision

It’s a misty black appearance

What is it like, to travel beyond

To be with the birds who fly oh so far

It’s a majestic wonder above the clouds

And I ponder,

maybe a seed could travel to space

The cold and dark wonders that seem to embrace

It could dance among the planets, the asteroids, the meteors, and all that exist

The thousands of galaxies which are hard to resist

It could see Mercury, Venus, and possibly Mars.

Maybe it’d make it to Pluto, or possibly Saturn

Oh the wonders it could see, that tiny little seed

So I bring upon the question,

Dear Dandelion

Who does everyone hate you so?

They call you a weed but the wishes you seek through are remparciable and impossible

Maybe those that see you are jealous

Maybe they are overzealous

I would be to, look at you go, and the sights you see are beyond my reach

So, I’ll watch you rise from yellow to white

And on your delicate seeds I’ll make a wish

Goodbye, little dandelion, I hope to see you soon

Oh the wonders you’ll see, please write back to me

Tell me your stories, I’ll pass them along

And we’ll sings songs of your adventures, I won’t get them wrong

Goodbye, little dandelion, I’ll see you soon

Off to the world, and off to the moon

Goodbye, little dandelion, I’ll see you soon

The author's comments:

I always remember seeing how hated Dandelions are, but to me they were one of the best flowers. They're fun to make wishes on and blow all the seeds and watch them fly. You could say the same thing about family and friends, that it's fun to spend moments with them and it's a wonderful thing to see them achieve amazing things.

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