Fear and Hope | Teen Ink

Fear and Hope

September 29, 2022
By PoetRider PLATINUM, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
PoetRider PLATINUM, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
21 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"They whispered to her,
'You Cant Withstand The Storm.'

She whispered back,
'I Am The Storm.'"

The white wolf stalks the night

Prowling through the moonless plain 

Leaving Citys of blood in his wake 

Infesting the world with dread

Ruling the world with fear and destruction 

Skyscrapers tumbling down 

Fields burned 

Everything in its wake wilted and died 

It had the world on its knees 

Until Something stood in its way


City’s flourished 

Fields grow plentiful crops 

Everything Thrived and prospered 

Fear realized that as long as hope stayed it would die out

Its Rein was over at last 

The world was at peace

Fear hid waiting for the time hope was gone 

It waited and waited 

But hope never left 

And it never will.

The author's comments:

Everyone always deals with Fear but never let it take control of you along as you hold on to Hope.

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