Stars and Planes and You | Teen Ink

Stars and Planes and You

October 28, 2022
By aspenflower PLATINUM, San Marcos, California
aspenflower PLATINUM, San Marcos, California
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The steady hum of the plane

Lulls my thoughts- the storm inside calming


It’s pitch black out

The only light being the blinking on the wings


I rest my forehead against the window

The below freezing air outside is cool against my skin


It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust

Each little star appearing in my vision


I saw two shooting stars

I couldn’t help but wish you were there to see them


You being the first thought in my mind

“He would’ve thought that was cool”


“He likes the stars;

He says I remind him of them”


I pull my face away from the window

Laying it against the wall instead


Nothing can tear me out of this peaceful calm;

This careful quiet of thinking about you

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