Flowerbeds of Life | Teen Ink

Flowerbeds of Life

November 5, 2022
By aspenflower PLATINUM, San Marcos, California
aspenflower PLATINUM, San Marcos, California
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Our lives are like flower beds

Everyone’s is different in some way



The people we meet are flowers


Sometimes we meet lilies


Yet delicate


Sometimes we meet roses

Who are pretty from afar

But have thorns on their stem


Sometimes we meet hydrangeas

Big, blooming presences

Hardy and reliable


Yet sometimes

The people we meet are weeds


Sometimes we meet dandelions

Who are beautiful in their own way

But can be harmful


Sometimes we meet clovers

Soft and quiet

Yet destructive


Sometimes we meet nettles

Hidden amongst the crowd

Painful when greeted

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