A Date with Destiny | Teen Ink

A Date with Destiny

November 21, 2022
By A-G-Haines SILVER, Kearney, Missouri
A-G-Haines SILVER, Kearney, Missouri
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have a date with destiny tonight
Her dress is red
And spattered with mud
From the many that push her down
The many that push her away
To try and escape fate
But she always rises from the fall
Chasing down those who run
And destiny will catch you
And drag you right back to the date
It’s on a cliff lit only by starlight
And we dance, spinning in circles
Her eyes watch me
Hands on my back guiding
Spinning and spinning
Till my ears ring from dizziness
She leads
She always does
I close my eyes as we dance
She dips me, and they flutter open
Just for an instant
I see the ground
So far below me
I consider letting go
Of stopping our dance for good
I hold on anyways
What a sight we must make
A girl in red
With eyes that can see the future
A girl in green
Eyes closed
In fear
In apathy
In patience
Spinning in circles
Waiting with bated breaths
Wondering if the next turn will be the last
I have a date with destiny tonight
My dress is green
Picked with the distant hope
That when they find my body
At the bottom of that cliff
They will think I died beautifully

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