The Fear | Teen Ink

The Fear

November 21, 2022
By A-G-Haines SILVER, Kearney, Missouri
A-G-Haines SILVER, Kearney, Missouri
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is an old fear that rests in my bones
She looks like my mother
And she looks like her mother before her
She is meek and quiet and ever so lovable
She bows her head on instinct
Refusing to look anyone in the eyes
Keeping my gaze on the ground
Never letting me set my sights higher
So I took this fear
I took my mother behind the shed
And I shot her through the heart
“I will not be afraid,”
I say to her smiling corpse
Still longing to placate even in death
“They will not love me”
“But they will know who I am”

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