perfectionism | Teen Ink


December 15, 2022
By maudretch SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
maudretch SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"How can a person know everything at 18, but nothing at 22" -Swift and Bridgers, Nothing New (2021)


one word

i stay up

refusing to give less than my best

i see the hours escape as i sit 


but it’s still not perfect

thirteen letters

i’m told: perfect doesn’t exist

then what am i doing wrong?

has all this exertion and deprivation led toward


what’s this all for?

five vowels

i can’t get away from it

it’s stapled to my mind and chained to my body

and i want to blame someone else for my self-inflictions

but the red hands behind my back shriek guilty

and it won’t wash away

eight consonants 

i repeat the phrase

over and over

it’s ok to get an imperfect grade

and i know i tried my best

but why does my heart still plummet 

when my grade learns what imperfection means

one word

it’s what i need to be

and if i’m not,

i’ll fade into the background

i want 

no, i need you to see me


would you still notice me if i wasn't?

-a mirrorball

The author's comments:

I used this poem as a way to call myself out on a habit that has followed me for years. Coming to terms with it, slowly, will hopefully allow me to accept mistakes and not tear myself down over a normal human experience. My hopes are for others to relate and find comfort in realizing that it's ok not to be perfect.

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